Jonathan Guillen music + sound

something is rotten in this age of hope

Something is rotten in this age, indeed. We're one week to go before the opening of Hamletmachine at Trap Door Theatre. It is my first attempt at the operatic form and I am excited to premiere it. I am putting the finishing touches on orchestration, along with the aid of master orchestrator Felix Salazar. Check it out if you are going to be in the Chicago area and you love post-modernist theatre presented as an opera (and I know you do). And as with most Trap Door Theatre/Max Truax spectacular spectaculars, it will sell out, so please do reserve your seats at Trap Door's website.

Written by Heiner Muller (translated by Carl Weber)
Music by Jonathan Guillen
Directed by Max Truax

Jan. 6, 2011 - Feb. 12, 20011
Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays at 8pm.
Admission is $20 (2 for 1 on Thursdays)