The current run of the Guillen/Truax operatic treatment of Hamletmachine at Trap Door Theatre has been extended until Feb. 26th. It has been getting great reviews and press, and I couldn't be more thrilled. This really is a show to experience, so tell your friends and neighborhooders that you get a few more chances to see and hear this spectacularspectacular.
For those of you that do not live in the Chicago area, the opera is now available on the music audio page of jonathanguillen.com as a stream or download under a "donate-what-you-want" model. I am also currently working on a video of the show taken from two performances which will be available as highlights. The video will be an opportunity to demonstrate the cast's gorgeous voices and the beautiful visual element of the show. In the meantime, enjoy the music and have fun Hamletmachining.